School Begins on Monday, August 19, 2024
All students will start school on Monday, August 19. The first bell rings at 8:15am.
We had so much fun seeing our students and families at Back to School night on Thursday. We are ready for a great year of learning!
For the first day:
- Between 8:00-8:15am, students will go to their grade level doors to meet their teachers (see map below) except fifth graders who will meet at the front amphitheater area. Families, this is a good time to take pictures and say goodbye to your kids and wish them a great day!
- When the bell rings at 8:15am, grades 1-5 will enter cross the “red carpet” with their teachers through the front doors to start off the school year.
- Kindergarteners will cross their own “red carpet” in the Kindergarten courtyard. We recognize that this may be challenging for families with students in multiple grades. However, we also want to make sure that our youngest students are able to start their first day in a smaller, less overwhelming setting.
For this first day, the cafeteria will not be open before school. Breakfast will be available to students with their classes after the bell rings.
Starting on Tuesday, August 20:
- Hot breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:50am-8:10am. Please encourage your student to eat breakfast during this time if they do not eat at home.
- Continental breakfast will be available for students to take to the classroom from 8:15-8:35am if they arrive after the first bell.
- Outside adult supervision begins at 8:00am.
- Students will line up at their grade level doors at 8:15am when the first bell rings and will go with their teachers to the classroom.
- For the first four days of school, August 19-22, Kindergarteners will only attend school from 8:15-11:00am.
- They WILL receive lunch before they leave for the day.
- Please let teachers know your transportation plan.
- Starting on Friday, August 23, they will start the regular schedule (Fridays are early out days and release at 1:25pm).
The regular bell schedule is 8:15am – 3:05pm Mondays through Thursdays, and 8:15am – 1:25pm on Fridays.
Regular Morning Line-Up Locations by Grade Level

Get Involved in the School Community Council!
Serving on the School Community Council
Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council decides how these funds will be used. Last year our school received $105,945 from the School LAND Trust Program. The council reviews and prepares other academic plans for our students each year. All plans are reviewed for final approval by our school board. Councils also act in an advisory capacity to school and school district administrations.
Every public school in Utah has a School Community Council. The councils are made up of school employees who are elected by employees and parents of students attending the school. Membership terms are for two years. Elections are held at the beginning of each school year.
Parent members must have a student attending the school at least one of the two years of their term of service. Employees must be employed by the school district at the school.For more information please visit https://www.schools.utah.gov/schoollandtrust/councils
Application for CandidacyIf you are interested in applying to be a candidate for the Midvale Elementary School Community Council, please complete the interest form by August 23, 2024, by clicking on the tab below. Elections will be held at our first School Community Council meeting of the year on August 26, 2024, at 4:00pm, in the Media Center at Midvale Elementary School.
Stay Connected to What’s Happening at Midvale Elementary
PARENTSQUARE, SCHOOL WEBSITE and SOCIAL MEDIA:-Weekly ParentSquare posts will be sent out by the school, along with important information from teachers. Make sure you are registered on ParentSquare to have full access to posts, messaging, and more.-Many questions you have can also be answered with information found on our website.
-Midvale Elementary is also active on Facebook and Instagram.
Subscribe to the ParentSquare Calendar:
- On the web, from the left navigation toolbar under the Explore section, select “Calendar” and then click “Subscribe” in the top right.
- On the app, tap the triple bar menu, then “Account” > “Preferences” and then select “Automatically add events to Calendar