Student safety is a primary concern
at Midvale Elementary School.
Please remember these general parking lot rules:
Parking Lot and Loading/Unloading Procedures
- Obey ALL traffic signs, drive slowly, and pull all the way forward.
- All students should enter or exit the vehicle on the passenger side, in the unloading/loading zone next to the sidewalk. No vehicle doors should open on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
- Students are not to walk between or behind stationary cars. Use crosswalks and sidewalks only.
- Drivers must remain in the car unless the vehicle is parked in a designated parking stall. Parents who need to escort students into the building must use a parking stall.
- As a courtesy to others, drivers should have students ready to exit the vehicle when they reach the pick-up/drop-off area. When students have safely exited the vehicle, the driver must leave immediately to allow others to drop off in a timely manner.
- Utah’s Seat Belt Law: ALL passengers must wear seat belts in all seating positions and children up to age 8 must be properly restrained in a car seat or booster seat. Remember, seat belts save lives. If you or anyone in your vehicle aren’t properly restrained, you can be issued a $45 citation.
NOTE: The time to transition your child out of a booster seat and into a seat belt usually comes when the child is between 8 and 12 years old. Keep your children in booster seats until they outgrow the size limits of the booster seats or are big enough to fit properly in seat belts.
And remember, children under 13 should ride in the back seat for maximum safety!
Please be respectful of school staff directing traffic in the parking lot. They are there to keep kids safe.
Midvale Elementary Parking Lot
Area #1: All traffic entering from Oak Street must turn right and make a U-turn in the area labeled #2 on the map
Area #2: This is the designated U-turn area for traffic entering from Oak St. Northbound traffic should allow cars to make the U turn and merge into the drop off lane at this point.
Area #3: All traffic in the Midvale parking lot is one way. No cars should enter the parking lot from Chapel St in Area #3. Traffic may enter the Midvale lot off of Wasatch St. or Oak St.
Area #4: This area is closed to two way traffic. Cars will not be able to pass from the elementary lot to the middle school lot.
Area #5: Elementary school parents who wish to pick up in the middle school parking lot must wait in a designated parking stall. If the stalls closest to the elementary school are full, parents will need to park in the middle school lot located further to the East.
Area #6: The faculty/staff parking lot should not be used as a pick-up/drop-off area.

Grade Level Morning Lineup