7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

About the PTA

What is PTA?  

It is the Parent Teacher Association.  It is a nationally run program run by parents to advocate on a local level in behalf of all of our children. We create the village that helps to raise children and strengthen schools and communities. PTA believes we can make every child’s potential a reality.

Why join PTA?  

The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child.  In doing so, you also help your school.  Here are a few things that the PTA does:
  • PTA is a great way to get connected and know what is going on in the school.  Sometimes information doesn’t necessarily make it home with your child as it should and PTA is a great way to stay informed anyway.  
  • It is an excellent resource for programs for the school.  The National and State PTA have several programs that they offer such as the Reflections Contest.  On the local level we choose which of these programs would best benefit our school and then run those programs as we best see fit through general direction from higher levels.  
  • It is a fantastic network of teachers/administration and other parents that share ideas and concerns for the school.  Plus there is the social side where you get to meet more people.
  • You have a direct voice for your child and can more effectively suggest changes.  You will be part of the solution when advocating for the children of the school.  Through that you will watch yourself grow while using your own skills and abilities to help.  
  • The children will see you as a role model, one who demonstrates the importance of education. 


How to join PTA?  

It is $6 for a yearly membership in the PTA.  You can join with our yearly membership drive (letters and envelopes are sent home at the start of the school year). You can also send in $6, your name, email address, and phone number in an envelope addressed to the PTA with your student at any time.  Or you now have the option to use our online store: https://midvale-elementary.memberhub.store/

2022-23 Midvale Elementary School PTA Board Members

President:    Jessica Brown
Vice President:    Stephanie Baxter
Treasurer:    Emmalee Christensen

Join the PTA

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