Who We Are
Midvale Elementary School is the first new building that was completed after the creation of the Canyons School District. Our beautiful school building features geographical themes that can be found in the state of Utah such and rivers, canyons, mountain peaks, and State & National Parks. We are home to roughly 750 students, and have 38 teachers and many crucial staff on our team. We have a strong Spanish Dual Immersion program at our school.
Midvale Elementary was recognized as a Utah School of Excellence for 2020. We have made a great deal of improvement, and we know that we can do more. We are looking to the future and working to make our school the best that it can possibly be. Our focus on academics, social skills, and preparation for middle school has changed our school culture to one of learning, growth, and development for our teachers and students. As a Community School, we work together with various public and private partners to provide coordinated academic, social, mental, physical, and vocational supports for students, families, and the community. Our Midvale families are critical partners in supporting students to achieve growth!
Thanks for your support in helping us become the best Mustangs we can be!
Our Mission
At Midvale, scholars experience social, emotional and academic successes that prepare them to be middle school ready.
2024-25 School Land Trust/TSSP Goals
Goal #1 – LITERACY By May 2025, Midvale Elementary students will have demonstrated the skills necessary to meet each targeted, grade specific Literacy goal identified below:
Growth: By the end of May 2025, 50% of Midvale’s kindergarten students will make typical or above typical growth in NWF-CLS (nonsense word fluency-correct letter sounds) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two or more students in each class will move from well below or below benchmark to at or above benchmark in NWF-CLS by the end of year.
By the end of 2025 70% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in PSF (Phoneme Segmentation Fluency) accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. 70% of Midvale’s Students with disabilities will make typical or above typical progress in NWF CLS by the end of the year.
First Grade
Growth: By May of 2025, 50% of Midvale’s first graders will make typical or above typical growth in NWF-WWR (nonsense word fluency-whole words read) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two or more students per class will move from well below or below benchmark to at or above benchmark in NWF- WWR by the end of the year.
By the end of 2025 30% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in NWF CLS (Nonsense Word Fluency- Correct letter sounds) accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Second Grade:
Growth: By January 2025 65% of students will make typical or better growth on their reading composite score. By end of year 2025 75% will make at or above typical growth on their reading composite score.
Proficiency: By May 2025, two or more students will move from below benchmark or well below benchmark to at or above benchmark on their reading composite score.
By the end of May 2025 50% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in ORF accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Third Grade:
Growth: By May of 2025 65% of Midvale’s third graders will make typical or above typical growth in ORF-A (oral reading fluency accuracy) according to Acadience Pathways of Progress
Proficiency: By May of 2025 10 students in third grade will move from below grade level to on or above grade level on the end of year ELA Acadience ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) measure.
By the end of May 2025 50% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Fourth Grade:
Growth: By the end of May 2025, 60% of Midvale’s fourth graders will make typical or above typical growth in the reading composite score according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two students in each class will move from below proficient/approaching proficiency to proficient/highly proficient on the end of year ELA RISE assessment.
By the end of May 2025 70% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Fifth Grade:
GROWTH: By the end of May 2025, 75% of fifth graders will make typical or above typical growth in Reading Composite according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
PROFICIENCY: Three students in each class will move from Below Proficient/Approaching Proficiency to Proficient on the end of year ELA RISE Assessment
By the end of May 2025 70% of Midvale student’s with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in ORF (Oral Reading Fluency) accuracy according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Goal #2 – MATH By May 2025, Midvale Elementary students will have demonstrated the skills necessary to meet each targeted, grade specific Math goal identified below:
Growth: By May of 2025, 70% of Midvale’s kindergarten students will show typical or above typical growth in the Math Composite score according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two students in each class will move from well below or below benchmark to at or above benchmark in the Math Composite score.
Proficiency: In May, 60% of our students will be at benchmark or above benchmark in the Math Composite score according to Acadience End of Year Scores.
By the end of 2025 60% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
First Grade:
Growth: By May of 2025, 75% of Midvale’s first graders will make typical or above typical growth in Math Computation as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two students in each class will move from well below or below benchmark to at or above benchmark in Math Computation by the end of the year.
By the end of 2025 70% of Midvale student’s with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Second Grade:
Growth: Mid Year Goal (January 2025): 65% of students will make typical or above growth in computation.
End of Year Goal (May 2025): 75% of students will make typical or above growth on computation.
Proficiency: Three or more students will move from well below benchmark or below benchmark on computation to at or above grade benchmark on the math computation.
By the end of 2025 70% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Third Grade:
Growth: By May 2025 65% of Midvale third graders will make typical or above typical growth in computation as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: By May of 2025 10 students in third grade will move from below grade level to on or above grade level on the Math Acadience test for the computation measure.
By the end of 2025 60% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Fourth Grade:
Growth: By May of 2025, 60% of Midvale’s fourth graders will make typical or above typical growth in the Math Composite score as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two students in each class will move from below proficient/approaching proficiency to proficient/highly proficient on the end of year MATH RISE assessment.
By the end of 2025 60% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Fifth Grade:
Growth: By May 2025, 70% of Midvale 5th Graders will make typical or above typical growth in the Math Composite score as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
Proficiency: Two students in each class will move from Below Proficient / Approaching Proficiency to Proficient/Highly Proficient on the end of year Math RISE assessment.
By the end of 2025 60% of Midvale students with a disability will make typical or above typical growth in math computations according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.
School Climate Goal:
Midvale will reduce the number of aggression office referrals by 10% in each term during the 2024-2025 school year. This will reduce the amount of time students are out of class and not engaged in learning.
Title I Plan
Title I funds are used in addition to Land Trust and TSSP funds to help students and teachers achieve these goals.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state achievement standards and academic testing. The Canyons School District has a Parent Engagement Policy and Plan, and in accordance with this district policy, Midvale Elementary has also developed a more specific plan to support our students in their learning.
Midvale Elementary encourages parents to do the following:
- Serve on school committees as appropriate (i.e. School Community Council, PTA, etc.)
- Volunteer as opportunities are provided and as parents are able to do so.
- Attend Parent Teacher Conferences and communicate with schools in person, by phone, and through Parent Square.
- Provide a home environment for their children that values education, ensures attendance, and enables children to be ready to learn when they arrive at school.
- Work with their employers so they can participate more fully in their child’s education to help them achieve at the highest levels.
Our Parent and Family Engagement Policy will seek parent input in our Family Engagement Plan and our Title I Plan using our School Community Council, our PTA, and our Family Learning Centers. These organizations will provide the school’s administration with formal recommendations to improve our students’ academic outcomes. We will also use our parent engagement activities and Parent Square App to solicit feedback from parents through surveys. Our Parent and Family Engagement Plan will be made available to all parents and seeks to build our parents’ capacity to support their child’s learning.
Our school will utilize our website, school newsletters, and Parent Square to inform parents, in their native language, about programs, engagement activities, and meetings so that all parents have an opportunity to participate. Interpreters will be provided so that parents can successfully engage in these activities with their children, and we will show parents how to request this assistance as needed.
At the end of the school year, we will request feedback through School Community Council Meetings, PTA meetings, and surveys to determine what adjustments need to be made to our Parent and Family Engagement Plan. We will also ask for some of our parents to volunteer to serve on a district level Parent Advisory Committee to provide us with feedback on how we can support their students and their families more effectively.
Our school will provide parents with the opportunity to learn how to check on the attendance and academic achievement of their students. We will teach parents how to communicate with the Principal, Assistant Principals, Community School Facilitator, and their child’s teacher. We will help parents learn how to build the literacy and math skills of their children so that they can perform well academically. We will also work with parents to provide social and emotional supports when appropriate to ensure their child can be successful at school and interact well with both peers and adults. Parents will also be made aware of English classes and other courses that may benefit them as they support their children in their education.
We will provide all parents with our School-Parent Compact so that we understand the commitment that each of us makes to the success of each child at our school. We will also share our Parent Engagement Plan so that all parents have several ways in which they can support their child’s education at our school.
All of this information will be explained at least once a year at our Back to School Night and will be reviewed at various parent night activities. We will commit to providing information on our website for those who cannot attend in person and connecting families with key individuals in our school to engage with any follow-up questions or needs.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact any of the following individuals:
Principal Carolee Mackay
Assistant Principal Sara Caldwell
Assistant Principal Emily Willson