School-Wide Field Trip Tomorrow!
America First and RSL have teamed up to offer all Midvale Elementary School students and staff the opportunity to go on a field trip to the America First Field on Tuesday, December 3, to meet RSL players, tour the stadium, enjoy some lunch, and more! There are big surprises in store, so make sure that your student is in school on Tuesday, December 3, on time and ready to go. Remember, the first school bell rings at 8:15am. We are so excited!

Last week to pick up your items…
Please, please, come and get your students’ clothing and other items that they are missing! There are hoodies, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes and more!
Anything that is not claimed by its owner by Friday, December 6, will be donated.
And for the future, make sure your students come home with the same clothing they left with, and put their names in them just in case!

Family Matters Friday is this Week!
Families, please join us with your students for a donut and activity. Miss Christie (school counselor) and Miss Josie (school social worker) will be sharing ways to support students at home with big feelings as well as resources for students and families.
Spanish interpretation will be available; please contact the office as soon as possible for other languages so interpreters can be arranged.
7:30-7:50 am – Sign in, light breakfast items, activity
7:50 am – Students may get full breakfast from the cafeteria
7:50-8:15 am – Interactive discussion with Miss Christie & Miss Josie
8:15 am – First bell; students will line up with their classes. Parents may join students in the classrooms until 8:50 am after ensuring they are signed in as visitors and have a visitor badge.
Please refrain from bringing younger children to classrooms.

Holiday Supports
For families in need of holiday supports, Salt Lake City’s Toys for Tots program is taking applications until December 10. Please click on the link for more information: https://salt-lake-city-ut.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx?nPageID=0&nPreviewInd=0&nRedirectInd=3.
If you would like to sign up for a holiday bag of food provided by volunteers through Camel’s Hump, please reply to this post or sign up in the front office. Please only sign up at one school if you have students in multiple schools.

Free Junior Jazz Basketball Clinic
Copperview Recreation Center will be here at Midvale Elementary on Friday, December 6, at 1:45pm to host a free Junior Jazz Basketball Clinic for all elementary-school-aged students. No registration is required. Students who attend will receive a free jersey for their participation!
Did you know….?
Copperview Recreation Center has a variety of opportunities for kids and adults! Check out their website at: https://www.saltlakecounty.gov/parks-recreation/facilities-and-golf/Recreation-Centers/Copperview/
Looking Ahead:
Monday, December 2: School Community Council Meeting 4:00pm CANCELED
Tuesday, December 3: School-wide field trip to RSL / America First Stadium!
Friday, December 6: Friday Family Matters breakfast 7:30am
Friday, December 6: Free Jr. Jazz Basketball clinic sponsored by Copperview Recreation Center in the Midvale Elementary Gym at 1:45pm
Monday, December 9: PTA Meeting 3:30pm
Tuesday, December 10: Free Groceries at our Mobile Food Pantry 3:05pm
Friday, December 20: Holiday Performances, Grades K-2 9:00am, Grades 3-5 9:45am
Monday, December 23 – Friday, January 3: No School for Winter Recess