7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

March 21, 2022 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary 

SCC 3.1.22

 4:00 Midvale Elementary via Zoom

ATTENDEES:  Lori Reynolds, Steve Brown, Heidi Sanger, Margaret McCann, Kwame Watson-Siriboe, Maria Guizar, Haydee Franco, Karen Rodriguez, Carolee Mackay, Alyssa Watson-Siriboe, Claudia Castro, Jadyra Lara, Miriam Solano, Maristella Martinez, Ana Castro, Julieta Ayona, Alma Balbuena, Mont Millerberg


  • Call Meeting to Order –   Steve
    • Steve called the meeting to order at 4:01pm.
  • Approval of March 1 Minutes –  Steve   
    • Margaret made a motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Haydee. All were in favor; none opposed. Motion carried.
  • Drill Update – Lori
    • Carolee is the Assistant Principal who is in charge of the drills. The drill for the month was Hazardous Materials. There are two different ways we would respond, depending on the emergency. If the threat was outside of the school (ex. On the freeway) we would shelter in place. If the threat was on the inside of the school, we would evacuate, which is what we practiced this month. The drill went well with no issues.
  • Efforts in Building Relationships with Multilingual Families – Haydee
    • Several parents joined the meeting from our Family Learning Center. Some participated in a Parent Panel last week and it prompted this discussion. Each of the parents introduced themselves. These parents are very active in volunteering at the school. Haydee noted that she learned that Midvale is a school that goes above and beyond, doing Home Visits at the beginning of the school, as well as many of the Dual Immersion activities. Discussion ensued after the Panel. The parents are concerned about the news about changes to the Dual Immersion program at Midvale Elementary. Lori noted that she would be happy to meet with all of the parents and talk more about this, answer questions, etc. Haydee noted that the parents showed up to show their support, to show that they want to be a part of these discussions. She noted that virtual meetings like these are not ideal, and that there should be an interpreter from the District. The parents have done everything they need to do to be a part of things, like getting vaccinated so that they can volunteer. Lori did note that information does go out on ParentSquare in multiple languages; it would be helpful to hear from families what the best methods of communication are so we can reach families. Forms to apply for SCC were provided to Karen to share with families; they are also going out to all families. Next step: Lori will schedule a meeting with the parents to continue the conversation. The parents stated that they want to do what they can to support the school. Lori expressed her appreciation for that.
  • Review Grade Level Goals for 2022-23 – Lori
    • Lori shared the 2022-23 School LAND Trust Plan with Grade Level Goals that we talked about at the last meeting. Goals were adjusted based upon mid-year data. 
    • Steve noted that with a lot of these, we can see progress. The teachers know the students, etc., so if they are in support of the goals then he feels comfortable with it. Mont asked to see the goals from this year to compare with the goals for next year; Lori shared that information, which was discussed at the last meeting. Haydee asked if we expect to see any changes in class sizes with the DLI changes next year; Lori said no, that our class sizes will not be bigger due to DLI changes. Lori also noted that we added math goals in addition to our literacy goals last year, and reviewed those 2022-23 goals with the SCC.
    • This week our 5th grade teachers are going to the middle school to do some “vertical teaming” and talk about how we can better prepare our 5th graders to go to middle school. 
  • LandTrust / TSSP Final Approval – Lori 
    • Lori shared the Action Plan. The plan includes:
      • New Reading Curriculum called Wonders (replacing Reading Street)
      • LTRS training for teachers
      • BLT meeting in the summer to prepare for the school year
      • Maintain our current 5 reading  interventionists, add two reading interventionists
        • Kwame asked if there is a way to allocate more money to the interventionists, even though the pay is set by the District. Mont noted that this is the time of the year that pay negotiations take place; however, the Board is responsible to have a balanced budget and they monitor the market, etc., to set those rates. Lori thanked Kwame for his advocacy.
      • Teacher Clarity Playbook for each teacher (targets literacy goals – these funds must support academic goals)
      • Funding for one of the Brain Booster technicians
      • DreamBox licenses (those that weren’t covered by the State grant)
      • Manipulatives for math classes
      • School Climate Goal / Action Plan:
        • In looking at discipline referrals, we see a lot of office referrals for aggressive behavior. Reducing those referrals will improve our school climate. 
        • We will be providing a “movement room” for students to use, to get moving and be active. The costs will be covered by a grant that was written for the Title I Schools by Colleen Smith, principal at Copperview Elementary.. 
        • We have a school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, two MTSS assistants – we have a lot of social emotional supports in place that are necessary. 
        • We want to increase the positive-to-corrective feedback ratio in classrooms. Currently, 53% of our staff are doing 3:1 positive feedback – we want to increase this. 
        • We want to increase opportunities for community-building. Classes will have a “buddy class” that get together once per month to do some activities so that students and teachers  get to know each other. Money is allotted for supplies for this so that teachers don’t have to pay for this out of their supply budgets for instruction.
        • We will continue to implement Morning Meetings, Peace Path, PBIS Rewards program, CEO of the Month assemblies. 
        • Hire an additional MTSS Specialist so we have 3. 
        • Attendance interventions/phone calls to build relationships – Lori explained that these stipends ($300/teacher in their paycheck) will go to teachers to take the extra time to do these things which often takes place outside of contract hours. Home Visits are paid for out of a different fund (Title I Budget). 
        • Professional development, teacher observations of other teachers, learning from each other.
      • Lori shared positive data that shows fewer students with office discipline referrals since the beginning of the year. Yay!
      • A parent asked about opening the school earlier for students. There is a program in which students can come into the building at 7:30am; the students need to be enrolled in the program to be able to come. This is funded through Title I dollars. The parents suggested that the person who is at the door could share that information with parents when they come in the mornings.
    • Motion to approve the TSSP was made by Alyssa as it has been presented to us. Seconded by Maria. All in favor; none opposed. TSSP approved.
    • Motion to approve the Land Trust plan was made by Alyssa as it has been presented to us. Seconded by Maria. All in favor; none opposed. Land Trust Plan approved.
    • Action Needed: Signature page for every voting member to sign in person; members must come to the office to sign as soon as possible.
  • Lori noted that the Board is seeking our feedback about early out versus late start, as well as preferred day of the week. Mont explained that the Board is wanting to hear from families.
    • Parents noted that they prefer the Early Out and Fridays for elementary.
    • Steve noted that his preference for high school would be different.
  • Meeting Adjourn – Steve
    • Alyssa made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned at 5:57pm
    • Next meeting will be in person at the school at 4:00pm.


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