Hi Midvale Families,
This is Mr. Watts. I’m sure by now you know that school has been dismissed through the end of the year. Our teachers and staff are sad that we won’t be able to see students in school again until the fall. I wanted to reach out and let you know about a couple of things:
Lunches and Breakfasts will still be served through the end of the year. They have changed the menu, so it’s not just PB and J anymore. Please stop by and pick up the lunches you need for your family between 11:30 and 12:30 each day. Tomorrow we will also be handing out weekend food bags for students.
Since classes are dismissed for the rest of the year, teachers are working to gather up students’ personal belongings so you can pick them up next week. This will take a few days. Our plan is to have personal items ready next Wednesday, April 22nd. To reduce the number of parents at the school at one time, the following scheduling assignments have been made by last name:
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Last names that start with A-I
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Last names that start with J-R
1:00 PM – 3:00PM Last names that start with S-Z
Weather permitting, bags will be placed outside and organized by teacher name. You should be able to pick them up without entering the building. If the weather is bad, we may have to postpone the pickup. If there are specific personal items that you are concerned about, please message your teacher and let them know so we can be looking for them.
I am going to ask that you return any library books that have been checked out from the school. Boxes will placed outside the front door and at the lunch pickup table every day next week. You can drop the book in the box without entering the school.
Unfortunately, our dual immersion performances and end of year celebrations and activities will be cancelled. Teachers will contact you if there are other materials such as portfolios or memory books that need to be picked up at the end of May.
One more thing – Please check in with friends and neighbors to make sure they have been contacted by their teachers and have learning materials in their homes. I worry that we have some families that do not.
We love you and miss you. Please try to stay safe and be healthy.