Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of November 1-5, 2021!
- This Friday, November 5, will be our first Remote Learning Day. There will be no in-person classes but teachers will be assigning work on CANVAS and/or will send home packets of homework to be completed.
- If your family does not have access to an electronic device that can be used for homework, please contact the front office for a Chromebook. We can also assist you in accessing free internet options if you do not currently have access to the internet.
- Because there are no in-person classes on Friday, students will be given the opportunity to take home a breakfast and lunch on Thursday that they can eat on Friday.
- If you and your family are in need of supports for Thanksgiving or the December holidays, please inquire in the office for applications.
- Please check the Lost and Found for your student’s items. There are many sweatshirts, jackets, backpacks, and other items that need to find their homes.