Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of January 24-28, 2022!
- Parents, students, patrons and employees can submit nominations for Teacher of the Year! Nominations must be submitted online before 5pm on February 4. Please go to the online nomination tool via this link: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/general-news/csd-is-accepting-nominations-for-the-2020-teacher-of-the-year-honor/
- This Wednesday, January 26, is our next free COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Clinic through the Salt Lake County Health Department. It will be held here at Midvale Elementary School from 3:30-6:30pm. Please bring your vaccine card if you have one, and note that masks are required to attend the clinic by the Salt Lake County Health Department.
- Due to recent recommendations from our state health officials, Midvale Elementary will be postponing the Moms Matter Meeting scheduled for Friday morning and our school PTA Spirit Night at Classic Fun Center scheduled for Friday night.
- Friday is our next Remote Learning Day. While there will not be in-person classes at the school, students will have assignments and work to complete. Teachers will send home handouts and there will be work to complete on CANVAS. Our students know how to access their work on CANVAS and other programs through Clever; the link can be found on the Midvale Elementary School website at midvale.canyonsdistrict.org.
- If your student does not have access to technology (computer) in order to complete their work on CANVAS, please notify the office before Thursday if possible so a Chromebook can be prepared for your family. These Chromebooks will be available to families on a first-come, first-served basis. Computers are also available at local public libraries.
Community Connection:
- Did you know that the Copperview Recreation Center https://slco.org/copperview/ is just a hop, skip, and a jump away? In addition to the sports, activities, fitness rooms and classes, childcare, and more at the Rec Center, right outside the front door is the Utah Partners for Health Clinic (801) 417-0131 and the Utah Community Action Food and Resource Center (801) 255-3516! Stop by and learn more! The address is 8446 S Harrison Cir, Midvale, UT 84047.