Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of March 21-25, 2022!
- Don’t miss our 3rd “Tuck You In Tuesday” tomorrow evening at 7:00pm! Check back on ParentSquare, Facebook, or Instagram to hear Mrs. Sanger read a bedtime story to you!
- This Friday, March 25, is a Remote Learning Day. There are no in-person classes at the school; students should complete their work on CANVAS or use the worksheets sent home by teachers. And, as always, read, read read! The Tyler Library (8041 Wood Street, Midvale) is a great place to check out books, use the computers, and more!
Looking ahead:
- Next Tuesday night, March 29, is our Family Literacy Night event. Please plan to join us for dinner at 6:00pm, then see your student’s work in their classrooms, and participate in many activities and win books and treats!