In an effort to ensure the safety of students as well as families and staff, we would like to review the parking lot guidelines. Please be sure to share these guidelines with those who may be dropping off or picking up your students. Thank you for your consideration and adherence to these guidelines.
1. Please slow down. Speeds in the lot should be 5 mph or less, especially during drop-off and pickup.
2. Once you pass Oak Street on the west side of the building, all traffic is one way. The only exit at that point will be going north on Chapel St.
3. Please do not make U-turns off the curb in the kindergarten pickup area. Proceed north and exit the lot on Oak St. or Chapel St.
4. Double/Triple parking is not allowed. This happens frequently in the kindergarten and preschool areas. Wait for a space along the curb to become available before you drop off your child.
5. Parents who need to park and escort students into the building should use a parking stall. Do not park your car at the curb – this area is for drop-off only.
6. Use the crosswalk to cross the parking lot, and teach your students to do the same.
7. Please be respectful of school staff directing traffic in the parking lot. They are there trying to keep kids safe.
8. Allow plenty of time for pick-up/ drop-off. Come early to avoid peak traffic if you have an appointment or other obligation.
Midvale Elementary Parking Lot
Area #1: All traffic entering from Oak Street must turn right and make a U-turn in the area labeled #2 on the map
Area #2: This is the designated U-turn area for traffic entering from Oak St. Northbound traffic should allow cars to make the U turn and merge into the drop off lane at this point.
Area #3: All traffic in the Midvale parking lot is one way. No cars should enter the parking lot from Chapel St in Area #3. Traffic may enter the Midvale lot off of Wasatch St. or Oak St.
Area #4: This area is closed to two way traffic. Cars are not able to pass from the elementary lot to the middle school lot.
Area #5: Elementary school parents who wish to pick up in the middle school parking lot must wait in a designated parking stall. If the stalls closest to the elementary school are full, parents will need to park in the middle school lot located further to the East.
Area #6: The faculty/staff parking lot should not be used as a pickup/drop-off area.