Monday Mustang Message
December 11 – 15, 2023
- Tomorrow, Tuesday, is our next opportunity for Free Groceries, compliments of the Utah Food Bank and AARP. The Mobile Food Pantry begins at 3:05pm. Each family is able to receive one large bag of food so that we are able to support as many families as possible.
- Alta High School students will be here on Friday to deliver a special gift for each student. Make sure your student is here in attendance to participate in the fun!

Looking Ahead:
- Monday, December 18: Wear a holiday shirt or “ugly holiday sweater!”
- Tuesday, December 19: Pajama Day!
- Tuesday, December 19: Holiday Student Sing-Along Assembly in the morning and Pizza Party at the end of the school day!
- No school Wednesday, December 20, through Monday, January 1. School resumes Tuesday, January 2.