Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of February 14-18, 2022.
- It is KINDNESS WEEK! It was fun to see our Mustangs dressed up in red, pink and white today, and so excited for Valentine’s Day! This is what the rest of the week looks like:
- Tuesday: Stand Up for Others- Wear silly socks
- Wednesday: Work Towards Friendship – Wear your work out clothes!
- Thursday: Use your Head and Heart to be Kind – Wear your favorite hat!
- Friday: Midvale Comes Together- Wear school colors (blue, white, gray) and do a random act of kindness!
- On Tuesday we will be hosting our Mobile Food Pantry at 3:05pm, provided through the Utah Food Bank and sponsored by AARP. Please remember that it is a heavy load for little ones. Students are welcome to pick up the food themselves but having an adult or older sibling assist will ensure that it makes it all the way home! And thank you to our Community Connection of the week, the Utah Food Bank, as well as to AARP!
- This Friday morning (we DO have in-person school on Friday!), we will be hosting our All Pro Dads from 7:30-8:15am, and Moms Matter from 8:15-9:00am. Please join us for a fun discussion, as well as some donuts and drinks! Students will stay with dads for the whole time during All Pro Dads because the kids and dads will participate together in the discussion. Students will hang out with moms until 8:30 and then head to class while moms talk about how to help their kids deal with big emotions.
- On Monday, February 21, we do not have school. This is a national holiday called Presidents’ Day.
- Make sure to watch your ParentSquare Posts from teachers so that you can schedule a time to meet with teachers for Parent Teacher Conferences which will be March 2 and 3. The PTA is also hosting a Book Fair on those evenings, and students will earn a coupon for to use at the Book Fair when their parents participate in conferences.