Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of October 4-8, 2021.
- Parents: Please do not drop students off before 8:00am.Breakfast begins at 8:00am, and outside supervision begins at 8:10am. In order to maintain student safety, students should come into the cafeteria from 8:00am until at least 8:10am since there is no outside supervision until that time.
- Our Before-School Mustang Club runs from 7:30am-8:10am. Students participate in academic enrichment activities on the computer with supervision by one of our teachers. Applications are available in the school office.
- Utah Partners for Health will have their Mobile Medical Clinic at our school tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5. Call (385)-204-6257 for an appointment.
- School Pictures will be held this Thursday, October 7. Students should have brought home a picture form to complete and bring to Picture Day.
- Looking ahead, next week on Thursday and Friday, October 14 and 15, we will have Fall Break. There is no school those two days. Enjoy the fall leaves!
Thank you for reading this message and have a great week!