Chief Example for Others (CEO) Character Traits for January: Determination and Hard Work

Welcome Back!
Families, we hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday with your children. Returning to structure and schedules can be quite a change! Students may be tired this week as they adjust back to full days of learning and fun with classmates. Did you know that preschoolers (3 to 5 years old) need between 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day/night, and elementary school-aged children (6 to 12 years old) need 9 to 12 hours hours of sleep each night? Getting your children to bed early will help them get up on time in the morning and be ready and able to learn in the classroom. Being in school every day and ready to learn will help your student grow academically, understand new concepts, and improve their reading, writing, math, and other skills they need to be successful.
If you are having challenges with your child getting enough sleep or coming to school, please reach out for support! It takes a village to raise a child; let’s work together!

Staying SAFE and Staying WARM
Families, please remind your students to make safe choices while walking to and from school each day. Remind them to use the designated crosswalks and wait for the crossing guards to wave them across when it is safe, as well as to keep rocks and snow on the ground to ensure that no one gets hurt. We can all work together to ensure that kids are safe!
Staying safe includes staying WARM! Make sure that your students are dressed for the weather, including warm coats, hats, and gloves. Put your student’s name in their belongings so if they misplace it, they can find it. If your student does not have a warm coat, please reach out to Heidi Sanger so we can support your student.

Career Day
Friday, February 7th, from 9:00 to 10:15 AM is our Midvale Elementary Career Day!
We are asking for volunteers to speak about their careers, so come share your expertise with our students! Volunteers can be parents, guardians, grandparents, or friends of the family. This is a community event!
Click or visit the link https://cnyns.org/3ThwlEF for more information and to sign up.
Thanks for your support. We look forward to seeing you there!

Looking Ahead:
Friday, January 10: Welcome Families session for families new to our school, 8:30am, Family Learning Center
Monday, January 13: Fire Drill
Tuesday, January 14: Free Groceries at our Mobile Food Pantry, 3:05pm
Friday, January 17: No School for Students
Monday, January 20: No School in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Friday, January 24: Welcome Families session for families new to our school, 8:30am, Family Learning Center
Friday, January 31: Family Matters breakfast and activity, 7:30am