Monday Mustang Message
March 6 – 10, 2023
- March Reading Month is on its way! If your students didn’t receive their Reading Logs, make sure you help them look for it in their backpacks tomorrow and start filling it out! Students will track their reading minutes each week and turn them in to teachers on Mondays. The classes with the most minutes will earn classroom prizes!
- One of our favorite parts of March Reading Month is the start of our Tuck You In Tuesday videos that will continue through the rest of the school year! Each Tuesday, an adult from our school will read a story and we will post it on ParentSquare and social media at 7:00pm. For our first one tomorrow, Assistant Principal Ms. Mackay will be reading to us!
- Another important item to look for in backpacks later this week is a packet containing a CAYCI Parent Survey. These survey results will help us improve our services, develop community partnerships, and seek grants for increased funding. One packet will go home per family; only one survey per family at Midvale Elementary School needs to be completed. If you have students at another school that is completing the surveys, you will be asked to complete one for that school as well.
- Digital Literacy: With so much media and information coming at us through the television, phones, social media, and more, it’s more important than ever for kids to understand the basics of media literacy. When kids can identify different types of news and media and the methods and meanings behind them, they’re on their way to being critical thinkers and informed consumers. Visit Common Sense Media to learn more about these quick tips links (www.commonsense.org/education).
- Our Building Leader Team worked together to create a set of Midvale Commitments, and here is the last one to share with you!
We commit to providing a high quality
education that meets the individual
needs of every child.
We commit to providing a safe
environment with the belief that all
students can learn, achieve and grow.
Looking Ahead:
- Tuesday, March 14: Mobile Food Pantry 3:05pm
- Friday, March 17: Moms Matter Session
- Tuesday, March 28: Travel the World: Family Literacy Adventure Night