Chief Example for Others (CEO) Character Trait for November: Honesty and Integrity

Veteran’s Day
On Monday, November 11, we will be honoring our Veterans in a few ways:
- Please share with us a copy of a picture of a family member who has served (or is serving) in any military branch by Tuesday, November 5. We will be displaying these pictures for Veteran’s Day on Monday, November 11.
- Please include your family member’s: Name, Military Branch, Years of Service, Relationship to your Student (including your Student’s Name)
- Please send the picture and information with your student or email it to: heidi.sanger@canyonsdistrict.org (If you have sent this information in the past, you can let Heidi know by responding to this message and she will make sure to include your veteran in the display).
- We would also like to invite any veterans as well as current service members to a special brief recognition at our assemblies that day. If your student is in grades K-2, they would come at 1:15 for our 1:25pm assembly. If your student is in grades 3-5, they would come at about 2:05 for our 2:15pm assembly. Please notify Heidi Sanger if your veteran will be attending so we can be prepared!
School Photo Retake Day Tuesday, November 12
Picture Retake day is Tuesday, November 12. This is for all students who either did not have their picture taken yet or who would like to retake their picture. To preview package options and prepay online, click here: https://www.bellphoto.com/order/midvalefall24The prepay code is midvalefall24.

Fall Play
Have you ever wondered how the whole rock-paper-scissors game got started? Join us and find out!
Our fall play is the Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Drew Daywalt, adapted by Jordan Nelson, featuring the 3rd-5th grade actors from the Midvale Elementary After School Drama Group. The family performance will be held Tuesday, November 11, at 6:00pm in the gymnasium. Admission is free.
Thanksgiving Meals
Applications for Thanksgiving Meals are available in the front office of the school. Please note that our school will also be receiving turkeys from the Frank Cordova Foundation for families which will likely be available for pick-up on Monday, November 25.
For families in need of holiday supports, Salt Lake City’s Toys for Tots program is still taking applications. Please click on the link for more information: https://salt-lake-city-ut.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx?nPageID=0&nPreviewInd=0&nRedirectInd=3.

Looking Ahead:
Monday, November 4: School Community Council Meeting 4:00pm School Library
Monday, November 11: PTA Meeting 3:30pm
Tuesday, November 12: Picture Retakes
Tuesday, November 12: Free Groceries at our Mobile Food Pantry 3:05pm
Tuesday, November 12: Fall Play Performance 6:00pm
Wednesday, November 27, – Friday, November 29: No School for Thanksgiving Break