Chief Example for Others (CEO) Character Trait for November: Honesty and Integrity
A Message from the Principal: Student Shadowing
We are excited to let you know about a new initiative at our school, student shadowing. This practice involves adults from the Building Leadership Team stepping into the shoes of our students to experience a day in their lives. We want to know what it’s like being a student all day!
The purpose of this is to gain a deeper understanding of our students’ needs and empathize with the daily challenges they face, and celebrate their successes. By doing this, we aim to better understand and ultimately enhance the learning environment for all of our students.
Your child may be shadowed, or in a classroom with a student who is being shadowed. If your child is selected to be shadowed, you will receive a request for parent permission prior to the date of the shadow experience.
I look forward to sharing what we learn from this initiative and working together to make our school an even better place for every student.
Principal Carolee Mackay

Family Matters Friday is this week!
Families, please join us with your students for a light breakfast and an interactive discussion about supporting learning about math and reading at home.
7:30-7:50 am – Sign in, light breakfast items, activity
7:50 am – Students may get full breakfast from the cafeteria
7:50-8:15 am – Interactive discussion8:15 am – First bell; students will line up with their classes.
Parents may join students in the classrooms until 8:50 am after ensuring they are signed in as visitors and have a visitor badge. (Please refrain from bringing younger children to classrooms.)
Spanish interpretation will be available; please reply to this message or contact the office if you need an interpreter for another language.

Day of the Dead Celebration Friday, November 1
Midvale Elementary is celebrating Day of the Dead this Friday, November 1. Students, how can you celebrate with us? You can come to school dressed as a Catrín or Catrina to help us honor this special day. Remember, masks are not allowed, but students may have their faces painted before they come to school.
Day of the Dead Activities
An altar (ofrenda) will be created this week by staff and families in preparation for Day of the Dead. Spanish Dual Immersion teachers will have learning activities available associated with the altar.
Students in the Dual Immersion Classes will walk to the cemetery next to Midvale City Park to clean and prepare it for families to come on Saturday, November 2, the actual date that the Day of the Dead is recognized.
Flu Vaccines Available at School
It is still a great time to get vaccinated against influenza and help protect you student from the flu this season.
We currently have both VFC injectable flu and VFC flu mist available. If your student is covered by Medicaid, CHIP, or is uninsured they qualify for the VFC vaccine program and there is no cost for the vaccine.
Please reach out to Nurse Tara at 385-261-9331 to set up an appointment. She can also send a consent home and administer the vaccine during the school day if preferred.

Veteran’s Day
On Monday, November 11, we will be honoring our Veterans in a few ways:
- Please share with us a copy of a picture of a family member who has served (or is serving) in any military branch by Tuesday, November 5. We will be displaying these pictures for Veteran’s Day on Monday, November 11.
- Please include your family member’s: Name, Military Branch, Years of Service, Relationship to your Student (including your Student’s Name)
- Please send the picture and information with your student or email it to: heidi.sanger@canyonsdistrict.org (If you have sent this information in the past, you can let Heidi know by responding to this message and she will make sure to include your veteran in the display).
- We would also like to invite any veterans as well as current service members to a special brief recognition at our assemblies that day. If your student is in grades K-2, they would come at 1:15 for our 1:25pm assembly. If your student is in grades 3-5, they would come at about 2:05 for our 2:15pm assembly.

Thanksgiving Meals
Applications for Thanksgiving Meals are available in the front office of the school.
Are Your Kids Using AI (Artificial Intelligence)?
Are Your Kids Using AI? 🤔
According to recent data, only 37% of parents whose teens have used generative AI were aware of it!
AI tools, like ChatGPT, are becoming more common in our kids’ lives—whether it’s for schoolwork or entertainment. While it may seem overwhelming, this is a perfect chance to open up conversations about how technology impacts the world around us.
To help you get started, Common Sense Media has put together an excellent resource: The Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Generative AI. This guide explains AI in simple terms and offers helpful tips for having meaningful discussions with your children about their use of AI tools.
💬 What the guide covers:
- What is Generative AI, and how are kids using it?
- How to talk to your kids about the benefits and risks of AI.
- Tips to help kids think critically about AI-created content.
AI doesn’t have to be intimidating—it’s something you and your family can explore together. Use this guide as a tool to make technology a regular part of your conversations at home.
🔗 Access the guide here:The Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Generative AI
Looking Ahead:
Tuesday, October 29: Mobile Vision Clinic
Thursday, October 31: PTA Pumpkin Parade (bring your decorated pumpkins for display between 7:50-8:15 am)
Thursday, October 31: Wear Halloween colors (ex. black, orange, purple, green) – No costumes since we celebrate on October 25 here at school!
Friday, November 1: Friday Family Matters 7:30-8:15am, with the option to visit classrooms 8:20-8:50am
Friday, November 1: Day of the Dead activities, dress like a Catrín or Catrina!
Friday, November 1: PTA Classic Skate Night, 5:00-9:00pm
Monday, November 4: School Community Council Meeting 4:00pm School Library