Chief Example for Others (CEO) Character Trait for September: Responsibility

Family Conferences This Week!
We are so excited to have our families meet with teachers this week for conferences. This is an opportunity for families and teachers to review how your student is doing and talk about how everyone can best support your student’s learning. Please make sure you have signed up for a spot on ParentSquare. If you need assistance, please contact your child’s teacher or the main office.
While you are here, please check the Lost and Found area in the hallway behind the cafeteria and gym and collect any of your child’s belongings.
Due to conferences, we do have some changes to our schedule for the week:
- Thursday, September 26, school will release early at 1:25pm
- Friday, September 27, there is NO SCHOOL
Say BOO to the Flu!
We are hosting Community Nursing Services today and Wednesday from 4:00 – 7:00 pm for a Flu Vaccine Clinic. Please bring your insurance information if you have it. Families with no insurance will also be able to receive flu vaccines at no cost.

School Picture Day on Tuesday, October 1
School Picture Day is on Tuesday, October 1. Forms are being sent home this week. To preview the package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE. The prepay code is: midvalefall24.
Hillcrest High School Community Wellness Fair
Hillcrest High School is hosting a Community Wellness Fair on Thursday, October 3, from 5:00 – 7:30pm at Hillcrest High Commons, 7350 South 900 East, Midvale.
Services Provided:
- Flu Vaccines
- Childhood Immunizations
- Free Student Haircuts
- Prevention Health Screenings
- Medicaid Enrollment Assistance
- More Community Resources!
Free dinner will also be provided starting at 5:00pm.

Big Smiles Dental
Big Smiles Dental Clinic is coming to our school October 7-10. Forms were sent home the first week of school. If you are interested in having your child seen by the dentist, please either complete and return the registration form or you may also apply online at www.MySchoolDentist.com. You must include your insurance information.
If you do not have insurance and are requesting donated dental care from Big Smiles, you will need to complete another form which will be available in the school office or through Big Smiles. Please note that the number of students receiving donated care is very limited and is not guaranteed by Big Smiles.