Monday Mustang Message
February 21 – 24, 2023
- We had such a fun time celebrating KINDNESS last week! Thank you for supporting your students’ participation in our activities and helping us spread the message of kindness.
- Attendance Message: Families, we need YOUR help in getting ALL students to school. Maybe you see your neighbor’s kids staying home, or maybe a family member’s. Please help us get the word out that students must be in school to learn, to grow, to read, to write, to do math, to learn how to live with each other in this big world. We are a community. Let’s help our community grow.
- Weekly Numbers for February 13 – 17:
- We had an average of 86 students absent each day last week, with 126 students gone on Friday. We KNOW that we can do better because we “only” had 58 students absent on Valentine’s Day!
- Weekly Numbers for February 13 – 17:
- Our next All Pro Dads is this Friday, February 24, at 7:30am. We welcome all fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, any father-figures to bring your students and join us for a light breakfast as we enjoy a fun discussion with each other about the topic of taking INITIATIVE! We are excited to have you here with us!
- Our Building Leader Team, consisting of our Principal, Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches, a Teacher from each grade level and the resource team, worked together to create a set of Midvale Commitments. These were shared with our faculty, and now we would like to share them with our families. Each week we will share one of the six areas of focus:
We commit to using our teacher agility to
assess our students “in the moment” & make
adjustments to instruction to impact student
We commit to analyze data from common
assessments to purposefully plan standards-based
We commit to collaboratively design standards-
based assessments.
Looking Ahead:
- Monday, February 27: School Community Council Meeting 4:00pm
- Wednesday, March 1, and Thursday, March 2: Family Teacher Conferences, Book Fair, Resource Fair
- Note: Early Out on Thursday, March 2, at 1:25 pm
- March 2: Read Across America Day – In-school activities
- Friday, March 3: No School
- Monday, March 6:Virtual Learning Day, no in-person classes
- ****Please note: This was recently added to the calendar.*****