Boys and Girls Club, 7631 Chapel St, Midvale, 801-256-9008.
Canyons Family Center, located at Mount Jordan Middle School, 9351 S Mountaineer Lane (210 E), Sandy, 801-826-8190
- Individual and family-based counseling, student-support groups and parent-education classes provided at no charge for Canyons School District families.
Community Building Community (CBC), 49 W Center St, Midvale, 801-574-6172
- Medical and Dental services for adults and children. Serves low income families, uninsured & under-insured.
Copperview Recreation Center, 8446 S Harrison St, Midvale, 385-468-1515
- Sports and recreation programs, scholarships available. ***Free County Recreation Passes for Kids Summer 2024***
Crisis Support – If you need someone to talk to…
- SAFE UT – Call 833-372-3388 or Chat- Crisis Line for Students
- Mobile Crisis Outreach Team MCOT – Crisis Line Dial 988
- 211.org or Dial 211 for info @ health & human services, food, and more
- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline 800-467-7273
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Dial 988
Family Learning Center, Midvale Elementary School, 801-826-7462
- Free English and Computer classes for adults during the school year. Childcare provided.
Heating and Utility Assistance through HEAT and HELP, 801-521-6107/ 844-214-3090
- Applications taken between November 1 – April 30.
Hope Clinic, 65 Twin Peaks St, Midvale, 801-568-6700.
Maliheh Free Clinic, 94 E 3300 S, Millcreek, 801-266-3700.
Mexican Consulate Contact Information – 801-521-8502 https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/saltlakecity/
Mid-Valley Health Clinic/ Utah Partners for Health, 8446 S Harrison St, Midvale—801-417-0131
- Provides primary health care services regardless of ability to pay, co-pay or sliding based on income. Accepts Medicaid, CHIP, Medicare & private insurance. Mental health, dental, and vision services also available.
Mobile Food Pantry at Midvale Elementary School, provided monthly during the school year.
Ruth Vine Tyler Library, 8041 S. Wood St., 801-944-4636
- Apply for free library card—at branch or online.
- Kids Café: Mondays through Saturdays, times have changed – please call for details.
- Brainfuse— free online tutoring 7 days a week 2-11pm.
University of Utah Greenwood Health Center, 7495 S State St, Midvale, 801-213-9400