Midvale Elementary
School Community Council Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Monday, February 26th 2024, 4:00 pm
In Attendance: Steve Brown, Carolee Mackay, Jason Baxter, Kwame Watson-Siriboe, Alyssa Watson-Siriboe, Kikey Fernandez, Heidi Sanger
Agenda Items:
- Welcome
Steve let the SCC know that our school board representative, Mont Millerberg, passed away. Discussed options to honor Mr. Millerberg and his family.
- Discussion and vote on approval of the January 29th 2024 meeting minutes
Jason motioned to approve the minutes; Alyssa seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Minutes approved.
- Land Trust / TSSP updates and review
LandTrust $39,108 left – all of these dollars will go to interventionists
TSSP $80,936.17 – moved 2 interventionists over to this budget
- Continue discussion for Land Trust/TSSP plans for the 2024-25 school year
Carolee provided a copy of the current and proposed ELA and Math Landtrust Goals. Carolee has asked the instructional coaches to pull the data for each cohort over the past several years so that the goals are more meaningful to the particular cohort; teachers will review the data, meet with coaches, and adjust the goals accordingly. Also discussed that we will be focusing more on meeting the goals at mid-year rather than just the end of the year.
Discussed school climate goal for next year. In the past few years it has been to reduce the number of Office Disciplinary Referrals. BLT has discussed changing it to a focus on attendance or on respect – needs to be measurable. Carolee shared the data of ODR’s over the past few years. It has been quite helpful to have the behavior aides and additional recess aides. Parent members noted the trauma that many students are experiencing which impacts behavior.
Steve asked about coding opportunities for students and looking to add it to our budget. Carolee noted that we do need a STEM teacher right now!
Other efforts covered under these funds:
- Behavior Mentors: The District pays for 2 and another one comes out of our budget, but the District is losing ESSR funds so those may no longer be full time, benefitted positions.
- PBIS Rewards
- Professional Learning Days for teachers each month
With the School Board approving the changes to Brain Boosters and extending the school day for elementary schools next year, Carolee is asking that the extra 10 minutes go before school rather than the end of the day because of the middle school students coming onto our campus.
Please make sure to come next month so we can sign off on the LandTrust/TSSP.
5. Other Items:
Carolee asked if we can move SCC elections to this spring. The bylaws already have them in the spring. Next month there is supposed to be a flyer that goes out to all parents. The deadline is usually the end of March for parents to send in any responses. Steve will add this to next month’s meeting.
Steve asked if there is anything else to add to the budget or agenda. None noted.
Kikey asked if her brother, who lives in boundaries but has no children at the school, can join the SCC. Anyone may attend meetings as they are public meetings. Voting members must apply to be on the SCC. Steve will verify if he is eligible to apply without children attending the school.
- Meeting adjourned at 4:57pm
Motion to adjourn from Jason with a second by Alyssa.