7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

November 28, 2022 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary

SCC 11.28.22

4:00 – 5:00 pm Media Center


Carolee Mackay, Sara Caldwell, Kikey Fernandez, Jason Baxter, Maria Guizar, Alyssa Watson-Siriboe, Haydee Franco, Sarah Hermosillo, Stacy Packard, Kwame Watson-Siriboe, Amy Sandgren, Heidi Sanger
Note: Lori Reynolds (Principal), Steve Brown (Chair), and Julieta Ayona (Member) were excused due to illness.

Call Meeting to Order 

Alyssa called the meeting to order at 4:09 pm after receiving notice that the Chair was out ill. 

Approval of October Minutes

Jason made a motion to approve the October minutes; Maria seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

School Safety/Digital Citizenship Report -Finalize – Council

Carolee went through the discussion questions for the School Safety/Digital Citizenship Report. Kikey noted that some students who have more difficulty may not understand the safety protocols. Carolee noted that we do the drills to practice but validated the comment. Concern was noted about the students seeing the video; Carolee stated that this video is not shown to elementary school students. Alyssa asked how the students are being trained on the run, hide, fight protocol, which is new. Carolee shared that different people in the school have different roles; teachers will guide the students to run or hide as appropriate.

Discussed primary concerns: 1) recess/playground issues 2) crosswalk concerns 3) cameras (this is being improved – they were here last week to do the wiring and it should be completed in January). 

Members asked about law enforcement coming at times to monitor the parking lot; it could even be just parking the DARE vehicle in the parking lot at times. 

It was noted that there are 3 recess aides out at recess at all times. During lunch recess, there are typically other adults out there such as behavior aides. During grade level recesses, some teachers are out as well. Members expressed appreciation for the 3 recess aides and added supervision.

Land Trust Goals-Data Review – Instructional Coaches (Maria, Amy, Stacy)

Maria handed out the Land Trust Goals for last year and this year. Also provided was a Terms to Know for LandTrust Data. The data for LandTrust is pulled from the Acadience testing. Questions were asked about the testing and how students are assessed; Stacy, Maria, and Amy explained/described how it is completed.

Maria reviewed last year’s ELA goals and the end of year results (see handout). Discussed that most of our goals focus on growth. One of the fifth grade goals includes hitting benchmark levels; this was a high goal. Haydee and Kikey asked about comprehension. Maria described the process in starting with accuracy (foundational skills) to help determine where the student will need more support as they work towards comprehension. The school is also now using a new program called Wonders which devotes a lot of time to comprehension. Teachers are all being trained in LETRS as well to support literacy. Haydee asked what additional supports are available to students/parents. Maria noted that Lexia is a program that is available for reading and DreamBox for math and students can access it through their Clever accounts outside of school. Carolee noted that our Title I funds are used for additional interventionists to support our students as well.

Haydee noted that she isn’t asking for teachers to do more; she is asking for training for parents to know how to support their students’ learning at home. Maria noted that the biggest thing for literacy is reading with your kids. She also noted that there are already pre-made newsletters that can go home that follow along with the lessons happening in class, which teachers could send home.

Kikey noted a few barriers to participating in things such as SCC from the parents she has spoken with: 1) language barrier, 2) no time to participate, 3) they aren’t interested. 

Carolee asked if we could put these issues on the agenda for the next meeting so we can get through the data review. 

Maria reviewed the math goals and end of year results from last year (see handout). 

USBE School Accountability Report – Admin

It was suggested that we move this agenda item to the next meeting due to bad roads. Jason made a motion; Haydee seconded. All approved; motion passed.

Meeting Adjourn– Alyssa

Haydee made a motion to adjourn; Kikey seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:28pm.

Next Meeting January 23, 2023

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