7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

November 4, 2024 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary School 

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 4, 2024, 4:00 pm


In Attendance: Carolee Mackay, Steve Brown, Stephanie Miller, Heidi Sanger, Lyndzi Elsmore, Jason Baxter, Caidy Atwood, Kris Millerberg,  Kathryn Scott (guest – admin intern)

Absent: Kikey Fernandez, Pralee Price

Agenda Items: 

1. Welcome

Cookies were delivered to celebrate that Midvale Elementary is in 100% compliance for SCC items! The meeting was called to order at 4:10pm.

Next month we will be discussing a few people who are on our roster who have not been in attendance at our meetings. This is important because it makes it difficult to have a quorum.

2. Discussion and vote on approval of the September 9th and October 7, 2024, meeting minutes

Discussion was held on the September and October minutes. Jason made a motion to approve the minutes from September; Lyndzi seconded. All approved. Stephanie motioned to approve the minutes from October; Lyndzi seconded. All approved.

3. Safe Route Review

The Safe Walking Route information was shared and reviewed. Request from Jason to change the route that comes from east of the middle school; everyone crosses on the side that does not have the crosswalk because it makes the most sense. 

Discussed that there is a crossing guard now coming off of Wasatch who directs students to walk across and use the crosswalks which has addressed safety issues in that area.

Discussed that there is no crosswalk (or sidewalk across the rocks) coming from the parking west of the faculty lot/field to cross Garden View Drive, making no safe option to cross that area. Members agreed that they would like this presented to the District for attention. It was advised to have some numbers of students who walk across there. 

Steve signed as SCC representative; Lyndzi signed as PTA representative.

4. Digital Citizenship Plan – https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc-digital-citizenship/

Members agreed that they reviewed the videos and information sent out previously regarding the district Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety Information. Stephanie described how Lanschool works and that she can monitor what the students are viewing and can block them in real time. Members agreed the information was helpful. Completed the Digital Citizenship Planning Tool for SCC. 

5. Land Trust / TSSP updates and review

We have spent $26,790 out of TSSA and $15,719 out of Land Trust (interventionists) for this year.

6. Amendment to LandTrust/TSSP expenditures

We have more money available than we originally thought, so Carolee shared her ideas for these additional funds; she shared the document which highlighted two options:

  1. Supplemental Reading Materials, Math Manipulatives, Badge Maker (PBIS Badges), Field Trips, Stipends (ELA team, reaching out to families for attendance, tutoring, additional planning, etc.), Interventionist (increase), Calm Corners (increase), Recess Aide (increase) – no amendment needed for Option 1.
  2. Video Wall across from the Grand Staircase and Field Trips, Recess Aide (increase) – amendment needed.

Discussed that some of the items above in Option 1 could come out of the Foundation Grants next year. Also discussed that more funds might be available depending on the outcome of the elections tomorrow.

Lyndzi stated that while the video wall would be very nice, most learning would come from Option 1. Members agreed with their support for Option 1. No vote needed for this option as no amendment is needed.

7. School Safety Report


Discussed what Secure status is given questions that arose. It means that there is something going on in the neighborhood so doors are locked but it is business as usual inside the school. The last Secure drill took awhile due to learning how to use CrisisGo; we are getting better at it! 

November’s drill is a bomb threat; we will evacuate for this drill.

Number one safety concern for the school: School parking lot was named, though this has improved with the new speed bump. We will continue to address this and educate families.

8. Other Items:

Other topics to present to the council: none noted.

9. Adjourn

Stephanie motioned to adjourn the meeting; Caidy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:10pm.

Next meeting: December 2, 2024

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org