7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

October 30, 2023 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary School

School Community Council Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Monday, October 30, 2023, 4:00 pm
Midvale Elementary Media Center

In Attendance: Steve Brown, Carolee Mackay, Mont Millerberg, Jason Baxter, Stephanie Miller, Heidi Sanger, Alyssa Watson-Siriboe, (Kikey Fernandez – unable to attend, Kwame Watson-Siriboe available by phone as needed)

Meeting was called to order at 4:08pm.

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome 

  2. Discussion and vote on approval of the September 25, 2023 meeting minutes. 

    Jason motioned to approve the minutes; Stephanie seconded. All approved.

  3. Land Trust / TSSP updates and review

    Carolee noted that we are fully staffed with interventionists, Brain Boosters, recess aides – celebrate! The pay raises for ESP’s really helped with getting and maintaining these staff. 

  4. Approve School safety plan, Digital Citizenship, District Safety Protocols

    Carolee handed out copies of the Safe Walking Routes. This plan hasn’t changed from last year. Discussed concerns noted by teachers and staff. One issue is that some families are not using the crosswalk and some drivers are also ignoring them even with staff standing in them with a stop sign. Mont asked if there are speed bumps. Two of the crosswalks are raised, but not the new one. Discussed other areas of concern. Mont suggested putting in requests to the District that address these issues. Members agreed that the parking lot is the number one safety concern. Carolee also noted that she is contacting Unified for a police presence at times to support these safety issues.

    Carolee also provided a copy of the Emergency Procedures / School Safety Plan and reviewed key issues such as Family Reunification in case of emergency. Reviewed the Standard Reunification Method documents provided in the packet. Mont asked about verification of who can pick up a student; the emergency contact information in Skyward is used to verify if the person is approved to pick up the student. The School Visitor Procedure and District Protocols were also reviewed and discussed. 

    Members agreed that the information reviewed, including the District website, is helpful. Mont noted that the law enforcement agencies are now using the same language as the school districts so that everything is consistent. 

    Members agreed that playground/recess issues seem to have improved; we now have 4 recess aides outside with the kids which has helped a lot. Student surveys have also shown improvement in the area of students feeling safe. Alyssa noted that another parent had asked about school uniforms in relation to safety. Steve described having experience in schools with uniforms in which gang activity still occurred at a high rate. Members did not feel that uniforms would be helpful in terms of school safety and that it would create more problems in other areas.

    Jason made a motion to approve the School Safety Plan; Alyssa seconded. All approved. Motion carried, plan approved.

    Digital Citizenship: Carolee reviewed what was discussed last month for Digital Citizenship. Jason asked about the protections in place for technology use. Carolee went through the questions on the plan and members responded; she will submit the plan as discussed.

  5. Cell Tower Fund Allocations

    Discussed that the Middle School gets the majority of the Cell Tower Funds. Steve noted that he really feels that it needs to be split 50-50, or at least according to student population. Mont shared that the District is looking to redistribute those funds since the majority of the cell towers are in certain areas of the community. 

    Carolee noted that we have $3261.09 in cell tower funds; she would like to move all of the funds to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund to use for teacher appreciation, meals for conferences, staff soda fountain, and such. Jason made a motion to move the cell tower funds to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund; Alyssa seconded. All approved; motion carried.

  6. Adjourn

Alyssa made a motion to adjourn; Carolee seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: November 27, 2023.

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