Midvale Elementary
Student and Family Handbook

Midvale Elementary
7830 Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047
School Office Hours: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Main Office: 801.826.8725
Attendance: 801.826.8743
Welcome to Midvale Elementary – Home of the Mustangs
Dear Parents/Families/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I love this community and am excited to begin my 4th year here at Midvale. We have several new faces around the school, but each one of them are here for a reason; your students!
This year we are focusing on the theme “The Power of a Smile.” Smiling is contagious, when someone smiles at you, it’s hard to not smile back! We hope to spread smiles all over the school and that all our students are smiling and excited to come to school every day. This year I’m going to be asking students the question, what made you smile today?
The pages of this handbook are filled with important information regarding school policy and procedures. Parents and students should review the contents together. If you have any questions, please call the school office or send us a Parent Square Message. We feel that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of your children.
We are all committed to providing a safe, welcoming environment for our students and our families at Midvale Elementary. This is going to be an amazing year!
Carolee Mackay
Midvale Elementary Principal
Having the students at school every day is essential to their growth and learning. Please make sure you are getting them here on time. Students should attend school each day unless the following symptoms are present:
- Fever/Chills
- Severe and Persistent Cough
- Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
- Severe Sore Throat
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Stomach Ache/Diarrhea
Utah’s Compulsory Education Law states that all school age children must be in attendance at school unless there is a valid and legitimate excuse. Please call the school in the morning if your child will not be in attendance that day.
Attendance line: 801-826-8743
Daily Schedules
School Hours
Monday-Thursday 8:15am – 3:05pm
Friday 8:15am – 1:25pm
- Students should arrive at school on time. Instruction begins promptly at 8:15 AM.
- Students should NOT be on campus before 7:50am.
- Doors will open for breakfast at 7:50am, supervision is provided in the cafeteria.
- Outside supervision begins at 8:00.
Breakfast & Lunch
Breakfast and lunch will be provided at Midvale at no cost to your child.
Hot breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:50-8:10am.
Breakfast-to-go will be available to students from 8:15-8:35 to be eaten in the classroom.
Breakfast will be provided in the cafeteria to Midvale Elementary students only. Parents may accompany the students into the cafeteria for breakfast after signing in at the office.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is located in the hallway behind the double doors near the cafeteria/gym restrooms. Check this frequently for missing items.
Parent Square
This is our primary form of communication. You can download the app on your phone as well as get messages in text or email. Weekly messages will be sent home from the school and your child’s teacher(s). If you aren’t receiving messages the front office will help you set up your account. Please make sure that we have an accurate phone number and email address on Skyward Family Access at all times. If you need to change this information, please contact or visit our front office.
We may occasionally use a Skylert for phone and email communication at Midvale. Please make sure that we have an accurate phone number and email address on file at all times. If you need to change this information, please contact or visit our front office.
Emergency Contacts
Please list as many emergency contacts as possible with the school, including those who might be able to pick up your child if they are showing signs of illness.
School Website
The Midvale website is a great source for everything you need to know about Midvale. Visit the website regularly to see cool pictures of our events at school and updates from our district. Check us out at: https://midvale.canyonsdistrict.org
Each class sends home a folder/planner with important dates and documents that might include: classroom newsletter, notices of school related meetings, field trip permission slips, and information about school holidays or events.
Our monthly newsletter shares highlights from the principal, important dates, new information, and resources available to students and families.
Family Conferences/ Meetings
The faculty at Midvale is always open to input and we encourage you to send a Parent Square message, email, or call to schedule a conference whenever you have ideas or concerns. If a parent or family member has information or any concern that needs to be communicated to school personnel, please contact the teacher directly. If additional support is needed beyond working with a teacher, please contact the main office and the designated administrator will work through the situation. Please note that teachers are unable to meet with parents during the school day as they are focused on teaching all the students. Meetings or phone calls need to be done before or after school is dismissed.
Communication with Principal Mackay, AP Caldwell, AP Wagner
Parents/Guardians or community members who have concerns or suggestions can call, write a note, or send an email to administration. If you would like to meet with any administrator in person, please make an appointment prior to arriving at the school. We can schedule an interpreter for this meeting upon request. When calling to schedule, please indicate your name, child’s name, grade level and concern. 801-826-8725
How to Be Involved at Midvale
Midvale Elementary School is a Community School. We believe that the school, family, and community should be partners in the educational process. It is through the efforts and support of parents/guardians that the educational program at Midvale is greatly enriched. There are many opportunities for parents/guardians to support our dynamic community.
- Each school year all parents/guardians and community volunteers must complete the district’s electronic volunteer process before helping with students in any way (this includes, but is not limited to, class parties, field trips, and presentations). You may apply at https://foundation.canyonsdistrict.org/index.php/volunteer.
- Volunteers/visitors sign in on the computer located in the front office. The sticker must be worn and visible while in the building signaling you have entered according to district policy. Anyone without a sticker will be asked to return to the office to sign in.
- Please work with the classroom teacher to schedule times to volunteer.
- In order to eliminate additional distractions for our students, toddlers and infants should not be brought with you when you assist at school, even if they are well behaved.
- While volunteering at school, you might hear or see things that should not be shared with other parents or discussed in the presence of your (or anyone’s) student. When working with students, you have a responsibility to keep things confidential. Please consider the effect that gossiping and disrespecting students, faculty, and staff might have on your child and the overall school community.
Midvale PTA
We encourage all parents, guardians, and grandparents to join the Midvale PTA. The $6 membership fee per person (or 2 for $11 in the same household) not only helps to fund our program; it also gives you voting rights regarding PTA matters. Being a member of the PTA does not require any time commitments. However, we have many programs that simply need a few extra hands, which we would solicit through a volunteer list.
Midvale PTA provides the following services: Teacher appreciation, teacher and staff birthday recognition, Reflections program, Book Fair, community/family nights, and more! If you have questions or comments for the PTA, please contact midvaleelementarypta@gmail.com.
Follow the QR code to join PTA:
School Community Council
The School Community Council consists of elected parents/guardians of students who attend the school, elected school employees, and the principal. All parents/guardians of students attending Midvale are encouraged to participate. The council meets monthly during the school year, and participates in the development of a school improvement plan designed to improve student achievement. If you would like to participate, please contact the main office for a form to fill out.
If you have questions about volunteering or ways to get involved at Midvale, please contact Heidi Sanger, Community School Facilitator at 801-826-8725; heidi.sanger@canyonsdistrict.org .
Parking Lot and Loading/Unloading Procedures
Adults are setting lifelong examples for the children at Midvale Elementary. Sometimes we tend to take risks that could endanger our children, especially if we are running behind schedule. For the safety and well-being of all students, families and students are to adhere to the following:
- Obey traffic signs, drive slowly, and pull all the way forward.
- All students should enter or exit the vehicle on the passenger side, in the unloading/loading zone. No vehicle doors should open on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
- Students are not to walk between or behind stationary cars. Use crosswalks and sidewalks only.
- Drivers must remain in the car unless the vehicle is parked in a designated parking stall.
- As a courtesy to others, drivers should have students ready to exit the vehicle when they reach the pick-up/drop-off area. When students have safely exited the vehicle, the driver must leave immediately to allow others to drop off in a timely manner.
- Utah’s Seat Belt Law: ALL passengers must wear seat belts in all seating positions and children up to age 8 must be properly restrained in a car seat or booster seat. Remember, seat belts save lives. If you or anyone in your vehicle aren’t properly restrained, you can be issued a $45 citation.
NOTE: The time to transition your child out of a booster seat and into a seat belt usually comes when the child is between 8 and 12 years old. Keep your children in booster seats until they outgrow the size limits of the booster seats or are big enough to fit properly in seat belts.
And remember, children under 13 should ride in the back seat for maximum safety!
Parking Lot Map:
Safe Walking Routes
For the safety and well-being of all students; families and students are to adhere to the following suggested walking routes.
The attached map shows suggested walking routes for Midvale Elementary Students.
Please select the best route from your home to the school for our students to follow. Mark this route with a red pencil or crayon.
You and your child should become familiar with the route by walking it together. Please instruct your child to follow all crossing guard’s instructions and to use marked crosswalks.
Please note the following:
- Students must use sidewalks and/or painted walking areas.
- Students between 7500 South and Center Street east of Jefferson Street and west of State Street are encouraged to walk south to Center Street and then they will walk west on the sidewalks until they reach the school.
- Students between 7500 South and Center Street west of Jefferson Street and east of I-15 are encouraged to walk south utilizing sidewalks and the Midvale City Park until they reach the school.
- Students who live north of Center Street and west of I-15 are to walk on sidewalks south to Center Street and then walk east on the sidewalks until they reach the school.
- Students who live south of Center Street and east of I-15 are encouraged to walk north on major roads with sidewalks until they reach Center Street and then walk towards the school on the south side of the road until they reach the crosswalk in front of the school.
- Students who live west of I-15 and south of Center Street are encouraged to either:
- Walk north on major streets using sidewalks and crosswalks until they reach Center Street and then walk east on Center Street until they reach the front of the school, or
- Walk to Wasatch Street on major sidewalks and crosswalks then go east to Chapel Street, where they will turn left and go north to the back entrance of the school.
Grade Level Morning Lineup
General Policy Information (To be reviewed with your child(ren))
Bicycle, Scooter, and Skateboard Safety
Students may ride bikes, scooters, and skateboards to school. Students should dismount and walk when on school grounds. Bike racks are provided for students, and will be locked during the school day. For additional security we suggest sending your student with an individual lock as well. Midvale Elementary is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
At our school, we believe that bullying of any kind is unacceptable. All students should be free from worries about being bullied. All students at our school will learn universal rules and expectations about bullying as well as different tools they can use to prevent or respond to bullying. At Midvale we define bullying as the following:
- One-sided, intentional, and repeated
- When someone repeatedly and purposely hurts, frightens, or threatens someone else.
- When someone repeatedly and purposely leaves out, ridicules, spreads rumors, or makes offensive comments to someone else.
We strive to provide a positive school setting, increase awareness about bullying among all educators, staff, families and students. We will enforce school anti-bullying rules; provide enhanced supervision during school hours on the playground. We will teach students skills to report repeated offenses with bullying. Through Morning Meetings, Midvale students focus on problem solving, making friends, and learning the Peace Path.
Cell Phone/ Electronic Devices
If a child is sent with a cell phone for safety, they must be turned off during school hours. Cell phones may not be used during the school day, including breakfast time. The school is not liable for lost or stolen cell phones. These items are disruptive to the school environment and may be confiscated.
The following policy is in place for cell phone violations:
- Warning
- Staff will collect the device and give it back to the student after class, and notify the family.
- Staff will collect the device, the student will meet with a school administrator and call home to family. Parents or guardians will need to come to school to get the device.
Please Note: Smart Watches are included. If a student is texting on it during class, recess, in the bathroom, or at lunch, the same procedures outlined above will be in place.
Dangerous and Disruptive Conduct
Students are expected to be safe, civil and respectful. The following conduct is defined as “dangerous and disruptive conduct” and is prohibited on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or while traveling in a school bus. Students may be suspended for the following behaviors:
- Possession of an explosive or flammable material
- Actual or threatened use of a real or look alike weapon with intent to intimidate another person or disrupt normal school activities.
- The sale, control or distribution of a drug or controlled substance, an imitation substance, or drug paraphernalia.
- Habitual choices of disobedience that include:
- defiance of proper authority
- disruptive behavior that impedes the learning of others
- foul, profane, vulgar or abusive language
- leaving class without permission
5. Willful destruction or defacing of school property.
6. Behavior or threatening behavior which poses an immediate or significant threat to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the school.
7. Possession, control, or use of an alcoholic beverage.
8. Behavior that threatens harm to school property, to a person associated with the school, or associated with the person.
9. Possession of pornographic material on school property.
10. Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment and retaliation.
*Students with chronic behaviors, will have a meeting scheduled with parents or guardians, teachers, and administration. At this meeting, protocols will be presented as well as a plan put in place to support student success at school.
*For serious violations, a student may be suspended for one to ten days or suspended awaiting a district hearing.
Dress Code
Students shall dress in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards or health, safety and acceptable behavior. Student clothing and accessories must not present a distraction. A distraction is defined as reactions by others to the clothing which causes the teacher to lose the attention of students and disrupts learning.
HOODS, HATS, AND BEANIES should not be worn inside the school building.
Food, Treats, and Snacks
Candy, cookies, cupcakes, and other packaged treats are welcome for celebrating special occasions. All food items must be store bought and in the original package. Please communicate with teachers beforehand to request an appropriate time, as well as ask about any dietary restrictions.
Illness or Injury at School
If your child becomes seriously ill or is seriously injured at school, we will contact you immediately. Please keep all contact information in Skyward up to date and accurate so that we can reach you. If we cannot reach you, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided. Please remember, we cannot keep seriously ill or injured children at school, and may send a child home with the person you have designated as an emergency contact. If we cannot reach you or your emergency contacts, then we are authorized to seek medical help for your child, and may call the paramedics, an ambulance, or transport your child to the emergency room.
Medication at School
Elementary students may not bring prescription or over-the-counter medication to school. This includes cough drops. If your child needs to receive medication during the school day, please bring the medication to the school with the Medication Authorization Form (this needs to be filled out by your healthcare provider). If you have questions, please contact our school nurse Tara Aka. tara.aka@canyonsdistrict.org
Toys at school
All toys and personal items (eg. Pokemon cards, fidget spinners, balls, stuffed animals, etc) are expected to stay at home as these items cause a distraction from learning. They may be confiscated by staff if they are consistently disruptive. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Please make sure to contact the office any time that your contact information has changed. This includes phone numbers, addresses or emergency contacts. We have had several instances where we have been unable to reach families for student illness or injuries.
I have read and fully understand the Midvale Elementary Student and Family Handbook for the 2024-25 school year.
By signing this form, I have specifically reviewed the General Policy Information section found on pages 8-10 with my child. We agree to observe & be accountable for these policies.
Teacher Name: _________________________________________________
Grade Level: _______________________
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________
Date: _______________
Please return this page only of the signed agreement to school by September 3, 2024. Students will receive a treat for bringing back this signed form.