Welcome to our Monday Mustang Message for the week of September 27 – October 1, 2021.
- Please watch for candidate forms coming home regarding how to apply to serve on our School Community Council for the 2021-22 school year. Terms are for 2 years. We would love to have your input!
- Picture Day is coming on October 7! Look for forms to come home!
- Utah Partners for Health is having a Mobile Medical and Vision Clinic at the school on October 5. For medical appointments, call 385-204-6257 to schedule an appointment. For vision appointments, please contact Heidi Sanger at 801-826-8794 or on ParentSquare.
Parents, we need your help with these items:
- In order to eliminate sharing and bartering of food, students are not to bring in large bags of Takis, chips, candy, etc. Students are able to bring in an individual serving for themselves only. Please assist us with this by ensuring that your students do not bring these large items.
- Toys, in particular Pop Its, have become a huge distraction at school. Please ensure that your student is not bringing toys to school. In addition, if students bring a phone for parent communication purposes for after school, the phone should be kept in the student’s backpack or with the teacher. Phones are not to be used during the school day.
- Please remind your students that scooters, bikes, skateboards, and hoverboards are not to be ridden on school property. Students may walk their scooters/bikes/skateboards/hoverboards to the storage cages on the west or east side of the school. These cages will be locked during school hours.
Thank you for reading this message and have a great week!