7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

January 25, 2021 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary 

SCC 1.25.2021


Principal Lori Reynolds –  Chair Steve Brown – Vice Chair Juliet Meinzer  – Secretary Heidi Sanger

Council Members:  Bryant Brown, Margaret McCann, Amanda Kraft, Juliet Meinzer, Alyssa Ball, Haydee Franco, Ashley McKinney

Call Meeting to Order – Steve

Review and Approve Last Month’s Minutes- Steve

Reviewed minutes. Motion to approve from Bryant. Second by Juliet. All approved. Motion carried.

Drill Update – January – Fire (Evacuation) January –  Lori & Ashley

Date for the January drill is this Wednesday at 10:15am. 

Safety Action Plan Update *Changes Coming!  – Lori and Heidi  

Action steps on the Safety Action Plan 2021 were reviewed:

  • Safety Patrol – Mr. Hartzler, 4th and 5th grade students. 
  • Positive Reinforcer to students – Orange Buckaroos handed out to students following school-wide expectations outside.
  • Parking Lot Expectations were shared with families in the January Newsletter as well as Parent Square and Skyward. 
  • Week of January 18th  –  Admin will give out the safety coupons with a candy attached to families who are following the expectations outside. Reminders of parking lot expectations will be handed out to those who need a gentle reminder. 
  • New Crosswalk on the north west corner in front of the school – Mrs. Reynolds met with Kevin Ray from Risk Management and presented our concerns regarding the long “through way” in front of the building.  He met with Rick Conger, the Director of Facilities and both agreed that this would be in the best interest of student safety to install. Timeline- Spring of 2021 
  • Goal is to get this to teachers on duty in the upcoming weeks to help reinforce expectations as well. 

Margaret reported after school that she received a Safety Superstar certificate and candy for those in the car from Lori for following the parking lot rules! Lori said she handed out a few today and had smiles from parents. She also handed out some of the expectation information sheets. 

Lori also announced that the Safety Patrol has begun and the students are getting used to their new roles. They are there to positively reinforce the safety expectations outside. The students hand out orange Mustang Buckaroos to students who are making good choices. Margaret offered support for the Safety Patrol program.

Parking lot expectations were sent out to parents via backpacks, ParentSquare, and social media.

SNAP Plan – Discussion and Finalize Plan – Assistant Principal, Ashley McKinney

Ashley shared the Safe Walking Routes plan. It has had few adjustments from last year. The first two walking route maps come out from the District with updated changes from construction. Lori noted that she has requested extra signage so that parents know where to turn around as they come into the school grounds from the west. Steve asked where the staff parking is for the middle school. Staff usually park in the front or around close to the entrances closest to their classrooms on the east side of their building. The plan does need physical signatures from SCC members. Several parent members agreed to do so. Motion to approve the SNAP plan by Margaret, seconded by Bryant. All approved. Motion carried. Lori will send an email once she has the needed signatures. Lori mentioned that she has also spoken with UDOT regarding some construction they are doing with the sidewalks on Wasatch south of the school. There will be a crossing guard there to assist.

Council Review –  Winter Acadience Growth – Lori  

Lori introduced the goal:

By June of  2021, 60% of Midvale students in each grade will have made typical or above typical growth in reading fluency and math computation as measured by Acadience benchmark assessments and progress monitoring. 

Winter Acadience 2021 POP Data

Lori reviewed the Winter 2021 Acadience POP Data for each grade level. Within the next few weeks, teachers will be doing a Deep Data Dive to really look at the data and plan. Biggest celebration is for 5th grade which reached 73% for their reading composite scores, and 74% for oral reading fluency. While K-4’s goal is 60%, 5th grade’s goal is 80%. All data is good data and we will keep moving forward. Note that the online students are not in this data. It was noted that we have about 650 students in-person and about a little over 50 online – many students are wanting to be back in-person. Lori has requested statewide data to see how we are doing. Lori encouraged members to contact her with any questions that might come up. Lori noted that Midvale Elementary was one of 2 schools in Canyons and one of 11 elementary schools in the state that was recognized as a State School of Excellence! Steve noted that Midvale has come a long way, trying many different things to get to this point. Lori asked if Steve would send an email from the SCC to the teachers/staff at Midvale as that would be greatly appreciated.

Meeting Adjourn – Steve 

Motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded. Approved and meeting adjourned.

Next meeting on February 22nd because of President’s Day.


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