7830 South Chapel Street, Midvale, UT 84047

May 22, 2023 – Minutes

Midvale Elementary 

School Community Council



Lori Reynolds, Steve Brown, Carolee Mackay, Jason Baxter, Heidi Sanger, Alyssa Watson-Siriboe (by phone), Kwame Watson-Siriboe

Call Meeting to Order  – Steve called the meeting to order at 4:07pm.

Approve April minutes

Heidi made a motion to approve the minutes; Jason seconded. All approved; motion passed.

Safety Drill for April and May- Earthquake and Public Health Emergency

The Great Utah Shakeout in April went well. In May, the training is for staff only (Public Health Emergency).

SCC Members/ Fall Elections

Reviewed the bylaws in regard to the SCC members who have not been in attendance for many of this year’s meetings. Steve noted the options, including 1) no action, 2) postpone our action until the new year when we establish our new council, or 3) take the action now. Steve suggested that we choose option #2 since we have few members in attendance today, and make it an agenda item for the first meeting of the new school year. Alyssa made a motion to defer the action; Jason seconded. All approved. Motion carried.

Report on our School Goals

Lori reported that our math scores are great! The PowerPoint presentation with all of the results was reviewed with members.

Reviewed the K-5 literacy scores for the year first. This year’s goals were growth-related; next year we have added proficiency goals. Teachers were encouraged to look at scores of students in relation to attendance to gain a better understanding of the issues. 3rd grade met their growth goals for literacy. We will get more information for the next meeting in the fall about why 5th grade’s scores went down. Lori noted that 3rd grade’s teachers outside of the DLI program teach in the traditional classroom and have the same students and may have had an impact.

Reviewed the K-5 math scores for the year. Kindergarten scores are amazing! 77% of students met their goal! 1st grade met their goal at 75%. 2nd grade’s goal was written incorrectly; if it was written correctly, they would have met their goal (72%). 

Thrive Time feedback from teachers

Carolee shared that teachers and students have been pretty positive about the new curriculum that is being piloted at our school. Some of the challenges they noticed were that the lessons take longer than the time we have allotted and are working on that piece. The district will take all of the feedback from teachers and then make adjustments before the district rolls it out to all schools.

Adjourn- Final meeting for the 2022-2023 school year

Jason made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:52; Alyssa seconded the motion. Motion approved; meeting adjourned.

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